Welcome to the Southern Indiana Rifle and Pistol Club. Our club consists an outdoor and an indoor range. We also host Civilian Marksmanship (CMP) and National Rifle Association (NRA) sanctioned matches and clinics. You are not required to be a club member to participate in matches or clinics.
PLEASE NOTE: There is a small creek between the road and the outdoor range. After heavy rains it can occasionally become impassable. Proceed with caution at all times, and click the button below to see the latest creek condition recorded.
Saturday, March 1st: CMP Rimfire Sporter Match (Indoor)
Saturday, March 1st: F-Class Match (Outdoor)
Saturday, March 8th: CMP High Power Rifle Match (Outdoor)
Saturday, March 15th: CMP Mixed Military / Vintage Sniper Team Matches (Outdoor)
Saturday, March 15th: 1800 Pistol Match (Indoor)
Saturday, March 29th: CMP High Power EIC Match (Outdoor)
Saturday, April 5th: F-Class Match (Outdoor)
Saturday, April 12th: CMP High Power Rifle Match (Outdoor)
Saturday, April 19th: CMP Mixed Military x2 (Outdoor)
News Alerts & Updates
- All members are reminded that driving on the Blackman Family owned road leading to the “Top of the Rock” Airbnb, the bridge across the creek and the former railroad bed to access the Outdoor Range is forbidden.
- Please look both ways before crossing the new walking path. Motorized vehicles have been using it, although this is not allowed. For your safety, be sure to check before crossing.
- Until further notice, the indoor range will be closed on Friday evenings. Bullseye pistol will only take place on Wednesday nights.
- The club rules are on the website; all members and guests are expected to follow the rules. One major safety rule we find ignored is the requirement for hearing and EYE protection. Eye protection is NOT OPTIONAL, IT IS REQUIRED FOR EVERYONE FOR ALL SHOOTING.
- You are required to have your membership card with you and show it to other members that ask to see it. It must be visible on you clothing or gear. If you do not have it with you, you will be asked to leave.