Renewals may be sent to:
Ron Bekebrede
107 Wickfield Drive
Louisville, KY 40245-4055
Make checks payable to SIRPC
Please include proof of current NRA membership
STEP ONE: Download the application HERE.
STEP TWO: Bring the application, proof of NRA membership and your dues (prices above) to a monthly meeting and have your first reading. There is a one time initiation fee of $150. You will not have to pay that again even if you miss being a member for a year or so. If you are not a NRA member you can join through the club at your first reading. Meetings are the first Wednesday of the month at 7pm, except January. It is our annual dinner/meeting. Location is the indoor range at Georgetown Indiana at the Indian Creek shooting center.
STEP THREE: You will have to attend a second reading to be approved by the membership. After the first meeting plan on staying for your orientation as you must have that before they will issue you your card with the combination to the range after your second reading.
The outdoor range is open to members from sun-up to sundown except when matches and other activities are scheduled. Range activities and matches are listed on the calendar on our website.
The indoor range is open Friday night for bullseye shooting and plinking. We also hold Service rifle clinics, F Class clinics and M1 Garand/CMP clinics. You can read through our match page on the different matches. Almost all Saturdays have matches starting in the morning and running till late afternoon. The range is closed to all other shooting at that time. Matches and Maintenance have priority. You do not have to be a member to attend the clinics or sanctioned matches.
George Eberhardt, ebbie5313@gmail.com