Southern Indiana Rifle & Pistol Club

Affiliated with the National Rifle Association and the
Indiana and kentucky State Rifle and Pistol Associations

 2018 NRA Registered Mid-Range Prone and F-Class Matches

 match Dates:
February 24 Clinic at Indoor Range
March 10, April 7, May 5, June 2, July 7, August 4,
September 1 & 2, KY MR State Championship Match and 2 Person Team Match
October 13, Nov 3


 Contact Dwayne Draggoo for more information about the clinic or to register.

cell phone 502-759-0541

Match Entries:
Range Capacity is 40 shooters.  Advance entries will be given preference.
Payment in cash, check, or NRA award points is accepted.
 Email Match Director    Cell Phone 502-759-0541

 Match Schedule:
Assemble at the pits at 7:30 AM to prepare targets.
Squadding begins at 8:00 AM Eastern Time, day of match.
Advance entries will be honored until 8:15 AM Eastern Time.

Southern Indiana Rifle & Pistol Club outdoor range
17906 State Road 60, Borden, Indiana 47106.

Map to Southern Indiana Rifle & Pistol Club Outdoor range, Borden, Indiana

Open to all shooters

Current NRA High Power Rifle rules will apply.  Competitors will be required to work pits and score targets.  Use of the plug type scoring gauge will be restricted to the Pit Officer only.

SIRAPC Members – $20, Nonmembers – $25,  Juniors  – $10

NRA Rules 3.1, 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 3.2, 3.3, and “F” Class

Any safe ammunition, NRA Rule 3.17, a & b, furnished by competitor.

A fee of $1.00 will be charged for any challenge, refundable if allowed.


Course of fire:
60-Shot Course with sighters
Match 1 – 500 yards Slow Fire Prone- Unlimited blow-off into the target, 2 convertible sighters and 20 rounds in a time limit 22 min.
Match 2 – 500 Yards Slow Fire Prone. 2 convertible sighters with 20 Rounds in a time limit 22 min.
Match 3 – 500 Yards Slow Fire Prone. 2 convertible sighters with 20 Rounds in a time limit 22 min.
Match 4 – Aggregate of Matches 1, 2, and 3

MR-65 (65FC F-Class) at 500 yards

NRA Classification system will be used.  Classification Card, temporary score book, or an assigned classification is acceptable.  If five or more unclassified shooters compete, they will be placed in a separate class, otherwise they will compete in the Master class.  Unclassified shooters must be sponsored by a classified shooter or have completed an approved training clinic.

Cash awards for Match Winners in each Match.  If there are less than five shooters in a class they will be grouped with another class except for High Master/Master.  If there are less than five High Master/Masters, they will compete for Match Winner only.  A shooter may win only one award per match.

Match Director reserves the right to make changes to this program as necessary and at any time until firing begins.

See Results below

Pictures from previous matches

Competitors at the 300 yard line

Turner Ray takes careful aim from the 500 yard line

working the pits

Accurate scoring requires careful attention to detail
