2018 NRA Approved
“2700” Bulls Eye
precision Pistol Match Program
Saturdays, April 28—–June 30 —–July 28 —-August 25 —-September 29
Special Note: Ky State Outdoor Championship
Saturday May 19
See Results below
Competition Open To: All Competitors
Time: Firing begins at 8:00 AM EDT in June, July & August.
Firing begins at 9:00 AM in April, May, & September.
Entries: Limited to 24 competitors, 2 Relays only if 1st relay is full.
Preference given to “Shoot The Works” entries
Facilities: 12 point covered, concrete firing line, turning targets, and automatic timing system. NO ELECTRICITY or RUNNING WATER on the range. Competitors are encouraged to bring their own lunch and drinks since the time & distance to the nearest restaurant or snack shop are not practical during the lunch break. During some of the matches, the sponsor will provide a hot lunch and drinks for purchase. Pre-registered competitors will be notified by e-mail of these dates.
Range Location: The SIRPC outdoor rifle & pistol range is located at 17906 State Rd #60, Borden IN 47106, 14 miles north of Louisville. From I-65, take exit #7, onto Hwy #60 going west. In approximately 5 miles Hwy 60 merges with Hwy 111 at the railroad tracks. Turn right, continuing on Hwy 60 north toward Borden, IN. The range entrance is 6.2 miles from this point. Traveling north on Hwy 60, as you get near the entrance, the Hoosier Hills Golf Course & Sports Bar will be on the right. The SIRPC sign is on the right, in a right hand curve, in front of a white, farmer’s house. Follow the gravel driveway around the left side of the red barn for about 100 yards to the low water creek crossing. If you are in a low vehicle and don’t wish to cross the creek, park off to the side of the road in the grass. An SIRPC member will be glad to transport you the remaining half-mile. Final transport will depart the creek crossing 30 minutes before start time. We have varying start times during the year. Do not attempt to cross the creek if you cannot see the bottom of the creek all the way across. Traveling south on Hwy #60, the range entrance is 2.5 miles on the left from the only Borden, IN traffic light.
Rules: Current NRA Pistol Rules to include ECI’s (Empty Chamber Indicators) must be used. Club will furnish ECI if necessary. Challenge fee is $2. If challenge is sustained, fee will be returned. A three-person jury system will be used for challenges. Use of scoring devices other than overlays is restricted to range personnel. Statistical challenges must be made with one hour after completion of firing. Eye & ear protection required. NRA B-6 (50 yd) & NRA B-8 (25 yd) targets will be used.
Scoring: Competitors will score targets as directed by Chief Range Officer & repair their own target. Competitors will be responsible for signing and returning their own scorecards to the Statistical Officer.
Match Fees: “Shoot The Works” for $25 ($20 SIRPC club members) or $10 per gun.
16 Individual matches are $2 each plus NRA registration fee of $4.50.
Junior shooters are one half the normal charge for matches chosen.
Classification & Awards: The NRA classification system must be used in all matches. Temporary score book or previous match bulletin is acceptable. Unclassified shooters will fire in the Master Class. Classes with less than 4 competitors will be moved to the next higher class until that class has at least 4 competitors. Masters & High Masters will compete for open (winner) awards only if there are not at least 4 competitors in that class. The high scoring competitor in each match from all classes will be declared the winner and will not be considered for additional class awards.
Advanced Entries: Mail entry info to Dave Richardson, 101 Cecilianna Dr, Elizabethtown, KY 42701-8914, Email Dave Here or phone: Home 270-763-9094 Cell 270-766-7815. Pay at range only.
Program: Normal NRA “2700” to include .22, CF, & .45 Cal matches.
Notice: Management reserves the right to alter the match schedule in accordance with weather or range conditions.