.22 LR Caliber
See results below
We have received permission to hold an extra match date.
The match will also be fired on Friday evening March 17 at 6:00 at the same venue.
Contact Bill Thomas to take advantage of this earlier date.
Link to map showing Indoor Range Location
Sectionals are registered matches. All regulations for registered matches must be followed.
NOTE: Turning targets are required for Precision Sectionals.
The 2017 NRA Open Sectional National Indoor Pistol Championships are being fired at Sectional Tournaments throughout the United States. They are operated by match staff composed of local match officials. All local challenges and protests are to be resolved on the match site according to procedures outlined in Section 16 of the NRA Pistol Rule Book. Each individual competitor and team firing in a Sectional will automatically be entered in the National Championship at no additional charge.
All fired scores are sent to NRA where they are compiled and a National Champion determined. For the purpose of the National Championship, the National Match Director may require that any or all fired targets from any sectional be sent to NRA Headquarters under the provisions of Rule 16.1.
National Indoor Championships Match Officials:
Match Director: Dennis Willing Statistical Officer: Elizabeth Martin
Individual – Entries in individual matches at SIRAPC will be made by contacting Bill Thomas and informing him of your intention to fire the match. Be sure to indicate the time that you wish to fire. Be sure to indicate your correct Pistol Classification.
William Thomas
3256 Autumn Green Way
Jeffersonville, IN 47130
812-948-8226 email Bill here
Firing will be between the hours shown below on the date indicated.
Date March 18, 2017 Relay Starting Times: 9:00 AM, 12:00 PM noon, 3:00 PM if needed
All fired targets must be retained until the challenge period for the National Indoor Sectional Championship Final Result Bulletin has ended, which is two weeks after the notification is emailed to all match points of contact.
A competitor (individual or team) may enter only one NRA Pistol Sectional during 2017.
Competitors may enter other types of Sectionals if eligible.
Tournament officials (Rule 11) may not compete in the Sectional at which they are officiating.
NOTE: As of July 1st, 2008, NRA membership isn’t required to compete in NRA Registered tournaments. NRA membership is encouraged.
TEAMS – A team will consist of four (4) firing members representing an NRA affiliated club (Rule 2.11 (A) or (B)), a law enforcement agency (Rule 2.14), a regular service, National Guard or Reserve Unit (Rule 2.13), or a State Association (Rule 2.12). Teams composed of competitors not all in the same category are mixed teams. Mixed teams in Sectionals may fire for open awards only. Scores for mixed teams will not be used for National ranking or awards.
NOTE: In order for scores from a Sectional to be recognized for Sectional awards, there must be teams and individuals entered in the Sectional concerned representing more than one organization. All scores, except those from mixed teams, will be recognized for National awards.
All competitors must put their NRA Member ID number on their entry card.
Current NRA Pistol Rules will govern.
.22 Caliber Pistol (Rule 3.4).
50 feet.
B-2, slow fire target, B-3, timed & rapid fire target.
Turning targets are required for Conventional Sectionals.
Special Sectional score cards will be used and must be signed by the competitor to be considered for National ranking and awards.
If category is not indicated on the score card, competitors will be placed in the Civilian category.
The National Individuals and Team Championships, separate class awards will be given in each of three categories; Civilian (Rule 2.2), Police (Rule 2.4), and Service (Rules 2.5, 2.6, and 2.7) subject to the conditions of the award schedule.
Although not required, sponsors are encouraged to provide an award for the high senior, junior and woman in the aggregate.
All competitors will be classified according to the NRA Classification System in individual and team matches and must exhibit their classification card or Temporary Score Record Book at the Statistical Office. Unclassified competitors will fire in the Master class if they do not have an assigned Classification (Rule 19.6).
Teams – Entries made for team participation should be indicated on the individual entry card. Team entries must be made by the Team Captain in person prior to the start of firing the team match.
Entries Close – Individual match entry notifications must be received not later than the Monday preceding the opening date of the Sectional. Team entries may be made any time prior to the start of firing the team match.
Entries Limited – Entries are limited to 30 competitors.
Post Entries – Post entries will be accepted up to the range capacity provided extra relays are not required.
NRA Sectional Registration Fees include entry in the 2017 NRA Indoor Pistol Championships.
NRA Individual Registration Fee: $8.00 per competitor per match.
NRA Team Registration Fee: $8.00 per team
Individual Matches: $ 25.00 per competitor
Team Matches: $ 20.00 per team
Post Entries: $ 25.00 per competitor
NOTE: ALL SCORES AND FEES ARE DUE TO NRAHQ NO LATER THAN MAY 5TH, 2017. Anything received beyond this date without prior notification to the National Statistical Officer will be returned to the match point of contact.
Matches will be squadded and firing point assignments made the day of the match.
Teams are not required to be squadded together to fire as a unit.
Match #1 – 20 shots slow fire, 2 strings of 10 rounds, 10 minutes per string
Match #2 – 20 shots timed fire, 4 strings of 5 rounds, 20 seconds per 5 shot string
Match #3 – 20 shots rapid fire, 4 strings of 5 rounds, 10 seconds per 5 shot string
Match #4 – 30 shots, 10 rounds slow fire, 10 rounds timed fire, 10 rounds rapid fire – Gallery Course
Match #5 – 90 shot aggregate
Match #6 – Team Match – NRA Gallery Course – All members of team must fire – This is not a paper match.
Individual – Awards will be provided by the NRA for the Sectional Individual and the team matches on the following basis:
If there are fewer than 5 entries in a category, they will be combined with entries of another category within the same class.
If there are fewer than 5 entries after combining all the categories of a class, there will be NO AWARDS provided in that class. All competitors will be moved to their respective categories and combined with the next higher class. Competitors of lower classifications will not be combined with the High Master Class. If fewer than 5 entries in the High Master Class, they will compete for open awards only.
An individual or team winning an open award will not be entitled to a special category or class award in the same match. Such awards will be passed down to the next eligible individual or team.
Team – NRA will provide awards at the Sectional level for the Open Winning Team only. Additional places in the team match may be provided by the sponsor at his discretion.
Open Awards – First place will be given regardless of the number of competitors in the Sectional. There must be a minimum of 15 competitors for second place to be given and a minimum of 30 competitor for third place to be given.
Provided by: The National Rifle Association
Winner – Gold Sectional Medallion and 15 Award Points
Second – Silver Sectional Medallion and 10 NRA Award Points
Third – Bronze Sectional Medallion and 5 NRA Award Points
NRA will furnish to the sponsors a souvenir pin for each competitor.
Class and Category Awards – Separate awards will be given in the five classes: High Master, Master, Expert, Sharpshooter, and Marksman. There must be a minimum of 5 competitors in a class and category to establish competition, 8 or more to provide second place and 13 or more to provide third place.
First in Class and Category 10 NRA Award Points
Second in Class and Category 8 NRA Award Points
Third in Class and Category 6 NRA Award Points
Provided by: The National Rifle Association
Winning Team – 20 NRA Award Points (5 per team member)
NRA will provide awards for the Open Winning Team only.
Additional places in the team match may be provided by the sponsor at his discretion.
Open Awards: First place will be given regardless of the number of competitors in the National Individual Championship. There must be a minimum of 25 competitors for second place to be given and a minimum of 35 competitors for third place to be given.
Note- Sponsor will provide individual match awards for the Sectional Match.
5 Award Points for the individual match winner
4 Award Points for 1st in Class
3 Award Points for 2nd in Class
Provided by: The National Rifle Association
Winner – Norman R. Adair Trophy Plaque, Gold National Championship Medallion and 50 NRA Award Points
Second – Silver National Championship Medallion and 40 NRA Award Points
Third – Bronze National Championship Medallion and 30 NRA Award Points
Special Awards:
Woman Champion – NRA Lucite Award
Junior Champion – NRA Lucite Award
Senior Champion – NRA Lucite Award
Grand Senior Champion – NRA Lucite Award
Class and Category Awards – Separate awards will be given in the five classes: High Master, Master, Expert, Sharpshooter, and Marksman. (Same as outlined under “Categories” and “Sectional Award Schedule”). There must be a minimum of 5 competitors in a class and category to establish competition, 8 or more to provide second place, and 13 or more to provide third place. An additional 3 NRA Award Points will be given in each category of each class for each 20 entries or major fraction thereof over 50.
Individuals of lower classification will not be combined with the High Master Class.
If fewer than 5 entries in the High Master Class, they will compete for open awards only.
First in Class and Category 10 NRA Award Points
Second in Class and Category 8 NRA Award Points
Third in Class and Category 6 NRA Award Points
Provided by: The National Rifle Association
Winning Team: 4 Gold National Championship Adair Trophies in Lucite
Second Place Team: 4 Silver Adair Trophies in Lucite
Third Place Team: 4 Bronze Adair Trophies in Lucite
Class and Category Awards – Separate class awards will be given.
Teams of lower classification will not be combined with the High Master Class. If fewer than 5 entries in the High Master Class, they will compete for open awards only.
A team winning an open award will not be entitled to a class or category award in the same match.
Such awards will be passed down to the next eligible team.
First Place – 32 Award Points (8 per team member)
An additional 24 Award Points (6 per team member) in each category of each class for each twenty (20) teams or major fraction thereof over forty (40).
There will also be a Center fire NMC (30 Shot) held immediately after the Sectional Team Match.
Cost will be $5.00
CF Match Winner = 15 AP
1st in Class = 10 AP Three or more in a class
2nd in Class = 5 AP Six or more in a class