Affiliated with the National Rifle Association and the
Indiana State Rifle and Pistol Association.
Monthly Business Meeting Minutes and Newsletter
President Don Copple Sr. welcomed all those in attendance. He called the monthly business meeting of the
Southern Indiana Rifle & Pistol Club to order at 7:00 PM on July 3, 2019 at the Indian Creek Shooting Center in
Georgetown, IN.
ATTENTION: Please don’t drive through the fields. The roads have a hard bottom even with standing water.
For those members who wish to renew their NRA membership through the club, please note that the cost of an annual NRA membership is now $35. Please read your newsletter and/or check the website to avoid going to the Range when a match is scheduled. Please take your trash home. When entering and leaving the Outdoor Range, lock the chain behind you. Wear your membership card on your clothing or equipment while at the Outdoor Range. Every member has the right to and is encouraged to, ask you for your card. The entire membership is responsible for policing our facilities and keep non paying shooters out.
Attending the meeting were: Frank Warren, Cody Richardson, Sebastian Pagni, Paul Jackson, Robert Owens, Jim Schlise,
Alan Whitlow, Ron Bekebrede, Roy Hughes, Bob Crecco, Dennis Pruett, Tom Graves, Larry Dison, Don Copple Sr., Terry Copple, Wayne Hall, Bill Thomas, Bob Cahoon, George Eberhardt, Donnie Abbott, Tom Clark, Adam Bell, Jerry Johnson, Mike Hussey and
John LeMay.
MINUTES: President Don Copple Sr. asked if there were any questions or comments pertaining to the minutes of the
June 5, 2019 meeting. There were no comments and/or revisions. President Copple declared the minutes approved as is.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Tom Clark presented the expenses and income for the month of June. The balance in the operating account as of May 31 was $14.652.00. The balance in the operating account as of June 30 is $15,728.
MEMBERSHIP APPLICATIONS: First reading for Frank Warren. Second reading and membership approved for
Cody Richardson, Sebastian Pagni, Paul Jackson and Robert Owens.
OLD BUSINESS: Ron Bekebrede thanked Bob Crecco and Michael Hunt for helping out with the mowing this past month. He also thanked Donnie Abbott for once again repairing the road at the entrance to the Range. George Eberhardt filed the following report: “We have the new website up and running but not fully completed. On the home page you will find a picture of the creek crossing to the Outdoor Range. I plan on keeping this updated as long as members send me current pictures. If the next picture shows a substantial change I will replace the current picture. Once I figure out how to put a date on the picture I will do that too. The current calendar is up to date so be sure you check it before going to the range. Any activity listed times ending are approximant, the match or activity has the range until it is finished. Pictures can be sent to me via or text 502-724-8970.” In addition several people still need training. Adam Bell added that the new website is encrypted which makes it more secure. President Copple asked Donnie Abbott for an update on the porta potty. Donnie replied that the liability is on the club. However in case of a total loss the amount of money is $725. The unit will be strapped to the existing outhouse on the down range side. This will help mitigate damage caused by high winds. President Copple asked for input from the membership and the consensus was for the club to proceed with the contract as voted on at the June meeting. The 2nd Storage container has not been placed yet. The regular pistol shooters have started their outdoor practice on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month. All our invited. Consequently the Indoor Range will be closed on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month till October. However if enough shooters sign up for the Indoor Range on those days, Charlie Davis will still open the Indoor Range and run the matches. This is a good opportunity for new shooters to practice and get exposure to precision pistol shooting. Please call Charlie Davis at 812-267-3392 to indicate that you want to shoot on these days.
You may bring your own targets or use the club targets for a small fee. You will have to pay the $4 range fee to cover the cost of utilities and rent. Magnum ammunition will not be allowed. However you may use a magnum caliber firearm and shoot non-magnum loads. For example a 357 magnum revolver with 38-special rounds. A rifle in 22 LR is allowed as well. For questions please call
Charlie Davis at 812-267-3392. The Indoor Range will continue to be open to recreational shooting for all members on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month and on all Friday evenings.
Please note that due to Camp Perry there will be no Pistol Outdoor Practice on July 10. Instead the Indoor Range will be open.
NEW BUSINESS: The road at the entrance to the Outdoor Range has been washed out repeatedly. Per the suggestion of Ron Bekebrede, Donnie Abbott checked on the price and availability of a 2′ x 4′ x 16′, highway grade, concrete culvert. Donnie learned that this is not a standard size, However the vendor is close to manufacturing several of these culverts for a State contract. If we place an order soon we will avoid the set up charge and ride in on the coattails of said State contract.
The cost of the culvert alone is $3,200.00. The weight is 9,000 lbs. Due to the “highway” grade it is safe to drive over the culvert without the need for rock on top. Donnie and Ron made it clear that in addition to increasing the size of the culvert, it will also be necessary to excavate the ditch, running parallel to the road from the entrance to the railroad track, to the proper depth and slope. To be clear said ditch had the proper slope when the 24″ plastic culvert was installed, but due to the repeated washouts a lot of material has been deposited in the ditch especially close to the 500 yard berm. The membership present recommended that the entrance to the new culvert be equipped with “wings” to create a funnel. The objective of this funnel is to avoid the water from finding a path on either side of the culvert. We do not have the total cost for this project yet. Since we need to rent an excavator for this project, but also need one to set the 2nd storage container, we will try our best to execute these projects in the same time frame. A motion was made and seconded to order the culvert and for Donnie to pursue the rental of an excavator and installation of the various items discussed.
The current location of the chain with lock was discussed. The preferred location is before the creek crossing. Donnie Abbott will ask the landowners for their input. Ron Bekebrede is reminding all members that once again Dave McIntyre will hold the club’s annual varmint matches over the course of the next 2 months. He will hold the center fire varmint matches on August 11. New this year is a practice match for center fire rifles on July 28. Please see the notice under “upcoming matches.”
These matches are fun to shoot and in case you win, will give you bragging rights for life. Call Dave for more info.
MATCH RESULTS: Reported by Charlie Davis. Club Indoor Bulls Eye Pistol; 22 NMC:
Expert Dave Albert 833-18. Center Fire: not enough shooters, Grand Aggregate: not enough shooters.
All other classes not enough shooters. Center fire Handicap Match: Ron Bekebrede 195.
Revolver Handicap Match: not enough shooters.
22 Rifle Slow Fire Off Hand Open Sights: George Eberhardt 90.
22 Rifle Slow Fire Off Hand Telescopic Sights: Mike Smith 92.
Carry Gun Match: 3-1/2inch barrel & over Bill Thomas 172, 3-1/2″ barrel and under no shooters.
SIR&PC Outdoor Annual Rim fire Varmint Matches: June 16. Winners: Target Barrel Rifle Dave McIntyre 113,
Sporter Barrel Rifle Dave McIntyre 118, Magnified Pistol Charlie Davis 60, Unmagnified Pistol Donnie Abbott 58.
SIR&PC Outdoor 2700 Pistol Match: June 29. Brad Parmer 2484-62 winner, Wayne McLeod 2394-48 1st exp, Ron Bekebrede 2370-42, Chris Bruns 2361-47. Mitch Sizemore 2311-25, Brenn Combs 2185-19, Larry Dison 1951-9.
Additional match results, when available, are shown on the website..
SIR&PC Outdoor 500 yard Practice Match: July 3, 10, 17, 24, 31. Contact Dwayne Draggoo at 502-759-0541 or The Outdoor Range will be closed to other shooting from dawn till 2:00 PM on July 10 and 24. On July 3, 17 and 31 the Outdoor Range will be closed to other shooting from 2:00 till 8:00PM.
SIR&PC Outdoor 2700 Pistol Match: July 27 . Contact Dave Richardson at 270-766-7815 or
SIR&PC Bulls Eye Pistol Outdoor Practice Match: July 24. Contact Dave Richardson at 270-766-7815 or The Outdoor Range will be closed from 4:00 PM till dark.
SIR&PC Outdoor Small Bore Match: August 18. Contact Ted Carr at 859-608-8539 or
SIR&PC Outdoor High Power Rifle Match: August 10. Contact Mark Mann at 502-550-4755 or
SIR&PC Outdoor M1 Garand Match: July 20. Contact George Eberhardt at 502-724-8970.
SIR&PC Outdoor CMP/Service Rifle League: August 8. The Outdoor Range will be closed to other shooting from 4:00 PM till dark. Contact Mark Mann at 502-550-4755 or
SIR&PC Outdoor F-Class Match: July 6, August 3 Contact Dwayne Draggoo at 502-759-0541 or
SIR&PC Outdoor Annual Center fire Varmint Matches: August 11. Please contact Dave McIntyre at 812-282-5093.
SIR&PC Outdoor Annual Center fire Practice Varmint Matches: July 28. Please contact Dave McIntyre at 812-282-5093.
1- $800.00 for the 5 items shown below:
Hornady a/p, with case feeder, 9mm,40 cal, 40 cal, 45 cal. Plates and dies
Hornady single stage loader
Hornady powder drop.
Beam scale
Frankford Arsenal brass tumbler drum.
For all items under # 1 contact: Rocky Farmer at 812-670-0057 or, can provide photos
1- Adam Bell is looking for a Springfield 1903 and a Springfield 1904 to start shooting the vintage sniper matches. Please
contact Adam at, if you have one for sale.
NEXT MEETING: Wednesday August 7, 2019 at 7 pm at the SIRPC meeting room of the Indoor Range located at the
Indian Creek Shooting Center in Georgetown, IN.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:33 PM. Minutes of the July 3, 2019 meeting submitted by Ron Bekebrede.