All annual memberships expire on December 31 of each year.

Renewals may be sent to:
Ron Bekebrede
107 Wickfield Drive
Louisville, KY 40245-4055
Make checks payable to SIRPC
Annual Membership Fees:  
Individual $75     Family $100 Junior $25
Senior $45 (60 and over) Senior Family $70  

Please include proof of current NRA membership

Street address of our outdoor range is  17906 State Road 60 East, Borden, IN 47106

Welcome to the Southern Indiana Rifle and Pistol Club. We operate an Outdoor and Indoor range and host clinics, and NRA, and CMP sanctioned matches. You are not required to be a club member to participate in events at the indoor or outdoor range or our clinics.
Look around and Contact Us if you you would like more information.

Link to Club Newsletter

Current Creek Condition, as far as I know

Please contact the appropriate Match Director for more information on these events.

High Power Rifle Matches  Mark Mann
Pistol Practice and 2700 Matches  Dave Richardson
Centerfire Varmint Matches
Rimfire Varmint Matches
F-Class & MR Prone Matches Dwayne Draggoo

CMP match director  George Eberhardt


Our Outdoor Rifle Range:

 Here you see an overhead view of our outdoor 200 yard rifle and pistol range just outside of Borden, IN. The 2 white horizontal lines are sidewalks out to 100 yards for small bore rifle targets, and the 2 vertical stripes are the 25 and 50 yard target lines for pistol matches.  Our pistol range has been updated to accomodate 20 shooters at one time. The trail at the lower portion of the picture goes to the 200 yard target berms and the bunker where the target inserts are stored. The small rectangle at the lower right corner is the cover over 5 concrete benches.

Come on out and shoot a match with us, or contact me for a personal tour. Contact Us



Here is a link to an aerial video tour of
the main part of our outdoor range.
Range Video

Below you see through the covered benches down to the target area.  That is what the 200 yard target number boards look like with no magnification.


Here are the new target frames and number boards.

This is a picture showing an up-range view from the 25 yard line at the pistol range, clearly showing the turning target holders.  We currently have 20 turning target holders at the 25 yard line, with an option to add 2 more in a pinch.  Outdoor NRA Precision Pistol matches, previously called ‘2700 Matches’, are fired monthly during spring and summer months.  The Kentucky State Championship match is scheduled for the month of May.

Here is a bird’s eye view of the pistol range looking towards the turning target mounts at 25 yards and the stationary line at 50 yards.  This has now been updated to 20 positions at the 25 and 50 yard lines.


Come on by and see us some time   Contact Us for information on match schedules and clinics.